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پژوهش های متعددی در حوزه ی رابطه هوش هیجانی و پیشرفت تحصیلی با کسب نتایج متفاوت و متناقض انجام یافته است. پژوهش حاضر با هدف ترکیب نتایج پژوهش های متعدد این حوزه انجام گرفته است. روش مورداستفاده در این پژوهش فراتحلیل می باشد. جهت نیل به اهداف پژوهش، از نتایج کمی 30 پژوهش منتخب، که با توجه به ملاک های ورود و خروج و بهره گیری از کلیدواژه های تعیین شده از طریق بانک های اطلاعاتی مختلف کشور به دست آمده بود، استفاده گردید و درمجموع 137 اندازه اثر همبستگی از آن ها به دست آمد؛ که با نرم افزار CMA2 مورد تحلیل قرار گرفت. در این پژوهش دو مدل تصادفی و ثابت محاسبه گردید که با توجه به تحلیل ناهمگنی از طریق شاخص های Q و مجذور I، و حذف 18 اندازه اثر، مدل ثابت به عنوان مدل نهایی در نظر گرفته شد. اندازه اثر ترکیبی پژوهش های مورد بررسی 0.169 به دست آمد و از لحاظ آماری معنی دار می باشد (P

The relationship between emotional intelligence and academic achievement: a meta-analysis study

Introduction For many years, intelligence and mental abilities were considered the only factors influencing student’s academic achievement but recently, several studies have examined the impact of non-cognitive aspects such as emotional and social factor. Emotional intelligence is one of the factors that impact and its relation to academic achievement have been studied in different studies. Some researchers found a weak relationship between emotional intelligence and academic achievement, some found a moderate and significant relationship, and some believe the impact of emotional intelligence on academic achievement more than cognitive intelligence. According to this, the purpose of the present study was to analyze and combine the results of the researches in this field and reach a general conclusion and resolve the existing contradictions and discover possible moderators. Method According to the purpose of this study, the present study was conducted by meta-analysis method. The statistical population of the present study was all research published in scientific valid journal which was available in computer databases and examined the relationship between emotional intelligence and academic achievement. Using the purposive sampling method and extensive search based on the specified keywords and applying entry and exit criteria, 30 studies were selected as sample and entered the meta-analysis process. The extracted data were analyzed with CMA software. Results From selected studies as sample, in total, 137 effect sizes were extracted which 18 extreme effect sizes were eliminated in sensitivity analysis and the next analyzes were performed on 119 effect sizes. The value of “fail-safe N” statistic was obtained 4132, which indicated that after entering this number of non-significant studies, the combined effect size will be non-significant. The amount of combined effect size calculated 0.169 in fixed model and 0.165 in random model that both of them were statistically significant (p < /p>
