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هدف پژوهش حاضر ساخت و اعتباریابی آزمون شایستگی های فناورانه برای معلمان دوره ی ابتدایی ابتدایی بود. بدین منظور پرسشنامه ای حاوی 69 ماده تهیه شد و بر روی 414 معلم دوره ی ابتدایی شهر اهواز که به روش نمونه گیری خوشه ای دو مرحله-ای انتخاب شده بودند، اجرا گردید. سپس داده های جمع آوری شده تحلیل عاملی شدند و بدین وسیله آزمون شایستگی های فناورانه ی معلمان مشتمل بر 3 عامل و 47 ماده استخراج گردید که نزدیک به 60 درصد از واریانس سازه را تبیین می کرد. در این آزمون 20 ماده روی عامل اول (شایستگی های تلفیق فناوری در آموزش)، 17 ماده روی عامل دوم (شایستگی های شناسایی، انتخاب و کاربست ابزارهای فناورانه) و 10 ماده روی عامل سوم (گرایش به کاربرد فناوری) قرار داشت. نتایج بررسی پایایی آزمون شایستگی های فناورانه ی معلمان به روش آلفای کرونباخ برای عوامل 3 گانه آزمون به ترتیب 91/0، 95/0، و 97/0 محاسبه گردید. نتایج کلی نشان داد که اکثر سوالات پرسشنامه، شایستگی های فناورانه ی معلمان را می سنجد و از اعتبار و روایی مناسبی برخوردار است و عوامل بدست آمده از تحلیل عاملی می تواند شایستگی های فناورانه ی معلمان را به گونه ای مناسب اندازه گیری کند.

constructing and validating a technological competencies scale for primary teachers

Introduction Despite research on teachers' technological skills and competencies, it is unclear what technological skills and competences teachers need to be effective for teaching-learning processes. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct a research in this field rather than through the results teachers the power of maneuvering to enhance the level of education and initiative in teaching. Therefore, this study attempts to identify and classify the technological competencies of elementary school teachers and to test and validate their related competencies. Method Purpose of the present study was to explore the technological competencies of elementary school teachers; therefore, research was a descriptive research. The statistical population of this study consisted of all elementary school teachers in Ahvaz in the academic year of 1397-98 with more than 5000 teachers in the year. In this study 6 to 7 samples were considered for each item, ie, according to 69 items in the researcher-made questionnaire, the minimum desirable sample size was 414 people. The sampling method was multistage cluster sampling. The face and content validity of the instrument was calculated in several steps and confirmed by experts. Reliability of the test was calculated based on Cronbach's alpha coefficient (0.98). Results In order to develop teachers' technological competencies scale a Factor analysis was performed. The test revealed teachers' technological competencies, comprising 3 factors and 47 items, which accounted for approximately 60% of the variance of the construct. The test consisted of 20 items on the first factor (competences of technology integration in education), 17 items on the second factor (identification, selection, and application of technological tools) and 10 items on the third factor (tendency to use technology). The overall results showed that most of the questions in the test measure teachers 'technological competencies and have good validity and reliabilityand. The factors derived from factor analysis can adequately measure teachers' technological competencies. Discussion Considering the increasing importance of the role and application of various technologies in education and consequently teachers' competencies and competencies, the present study aimed to construct and validate the technological competencies of primary school teachers. Based on the results of factor analysis, three components were identified and named by the technology integration competencies in education; the competencies of identifying, selecting and applying technological tools, and the tendency to use technology. Exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis were used to identify the path coefficients and confirm the extracted model. The obtained data through the comparative fitness, goodness of fitness and root mean variance estimation supported the three-component structure of the questionnaire. Finally, the overall results of this study showed that the validity and reliability indices of psychometric evaluation are appropriate and this test can be used for technological competencies of elementary school teachers.
