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پژوهش حاضر با هدف شناسایی مولفه های آموزش مبتنی بر بازی با تاکید بر مهارت آموزی در دوره اول ابتدایی و ارائه مدل مفهومی انجام شده است. روش پژوهش، کیفی و متاسنتز است که به صورت فراترکیب و روش کتابخانه ای با استفاده از مدل هفت مرحله ای سندلوسی و باروس(2007) گردآوری شده است. در این مطالعه، پس از طراحی سوال پژوهشی، جستجوی سیستماتیک بر اساس کلمات کلیدی مربوط به بازی و تعاملات طی سال های (2010-2020) در پایگاه های اطلاعاتی ایرانی و خارجی شامل مورد بررسی قرار گرفت . پس از انجام 7 مرحله از روش متاسنتز و بازبینی، تعداد 30 مقاله از بین 9472 مقاله یافت شده، 8 بعد و 19 مولفه به عنوان عناصر آموزش مبتنی بر بازی با تاکید بر مهارت آموزی قابل استناد است. بر این اساس مولفه ها شامل: 1. انگیزش(توانایی دستیابی به اهداف برنامه درسی، لذت بردن از یادگیری با حس کنجکاوی)2. فردی(افزایش اعتمادبنفس، توجه به ارزش های اخلاقی وتربیتی) 3.مهارتی(توانایی برقراری ارتباط موثر و مهارت های اجتماعی، رشد مهارت-های زندگی)4.شناختی(رسیدن به رشد ذهنی، رشد مهارت های حل مساله)5. یادگیری(یادگیری عملی و تجربه ای) 6. خلاقیت(بستری برای آفرینش اندیشه های نو، آشنایی با تجربه های نو)7. جسمانی(تخلیه انرژی، رشد جسمی و مهارت های حرکتی) 8. درمانی(ابراز احساسات و رفع مشکلات رفتاری،کاهش اضطراب ) می باشد.

A Conceptual Model of Game-Based learning with Emphasis on Skill Training: A meta-synthesis

Introduction Teaching and learning in primary school require attention to the physical, cognitive, emotional and social needs of students in this period. In this regard, play is one of the mechanisms that can turn the flow of education and learning in the elementary school, especially in the first period (first, second, third) into an exciting, uplifting, enjoyable and creative process. The present study seeks to extract the most important components and dimensions of game-based education with emphasis on skills training in order to provide a comprehensive model as its main goal. The question is, what are the dimensions and elements of game-based education with emphasis on skill training? Method The present study is a qualitative study performed using metasynthesis method. In the present study, the use of metasynthesis method to identify elements related to the game-based education model with emphasis on skill training is such that researchers with a comprehensive and holistic view of the sources have done a thorough and in-depth review and related research findings combined to create comprehensive and interpretive findings. In order to achieve the purpose of the study, previous studies were reviewed and explored, and in this regard, the seven-step method of Barroso and Sandelowski (2007) was used. Results The research was designed in the form of 8 dimensions and 19 components. The first dimension of a conceptual model is "motivation": the ability to achieve curriculum goals. The "individual" dimension includes: increasing self-confidence. The "skills": the ability to communicate effectively. The "cognitive": achieving mental development. The "learning" dimension includes: practical and experiential learning, the development of basic learning skills. "creativity": a platform for creating new ideas. The "physical": reduction of inactivity, physical growth and movment skills. The "therapy": expressing emotions. . Discussion According to studies, cognitive processing of students is a very important issue; therefore, the results of the research in this dimension are consistent with the findings of Zeng et al. (2020) and Johann (2019). In terms of creativity and increasing creative thinking, it is consistent with the findings of Marcos et al. (2020) and in terms of physicality and energy depletion, which is accompanied by the development of movement skills, is also consistent with the findings of Chu, M. fowler (2020).
