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مادران از طریق درگیرشدن در فعالیت های خلاق کودک سهم مهمی در پرورش و شکوفایی خلاقیت آنها ایفا می کنند؛ بنابراین هدف از پژوهش حاضر، تبیین و کاوش تجارب مادرانِ کودکان خلاق مقطع چهارم ابتدایی شهر اصفهان درخصوص روش های پرورش خلاقیت به کار گرفته شده برای فرزندانشان بود. روش پژوهش کیفی با رویکرد پدیدارشناسی توصیفی بود. جامعه آماری، شامل مادران دارای کودکان خلاق بود. نمونه به روش هدفمند انتخاب شد و 10 مادر تا دستیابی به اشباع بررسی شدند. داده ها با روش مصاحبه نیمه ساختاریافته گردآوری و با روش هفت مرحله ای کلایزی تحلیل شدند. یافته های حاصل از تجربه زیسته پرورش خلاقیت در مادران با کودک خلاق، در 3 مضمون اصلی شامل تحریک کنجکاوی (با مضامین فرعی؛ تشویق به پرسشگری، تشویق به آزمایشگری، ایجاد فرصت برای تفکر و تأمل)، بازی (با مضامین فرعی: بازی فکری، بازی ساختارنایافته، بازی خلاق، تحلیلی و تخیلی) و فعالیت های هنری (با مضامین فرعی: کاردستی و نقاشی) مشخص شد که تجارب مادران دارای کودکان خلاق را به تصویر می کشند. یافته های به دست آمده در این پژوهش نشان دهنده آن بود که علاوه بر روش های فعلی پرورش خلاقیت، تجارب مادران کودکان خلاق نیز نقش مهم در پرورش خلاقیت کودکان دارد و پیشنهاد می شود، در پرورش خلاقیت کودکان تجارب مادران نیز استفاده شود.

Lived experience of fostering creativity mothers with creative child: A phenomenological approach

Mothers play an important role in nurturing and flourishing their children’s creativity by engaging in their activities. The purpose of this study therefore was to explore the experiences of mothers with creative children studying the fourth grade of elementary school in Isfahan about the ways they used to foster creativity for their children. The research method was qualitative with a descriptive phenomenological approach. The community included mothers with creative children. Participants were selected through purposive sampling. Ten mothers were examined until the data reached saturation. Data were collected via semi-structured interviews and analyzed by Colaizzi seven-step method. Findings were categorized into three main themes namely stimulating curiosity (encouraging questioning, encouraging experimentation, creating opportunities for thinking and reflection), playing (mental plays, unstructured plays, creative plays, analytical play and imaginative plays) and performing artistic activities (crafts, painting).  These categories depict the experiences of mothers with creative children. Findings obtained in this study showed that in addition to current methods of fostering creativity, the experiences of mothers of creative children also play an important role in fostering children's creativity. It is suggested that mothers' experiences be used in fostering children's creativity. Introduction Creativity is one of the most important traits a person can have (Mason, 2003). Creativity is a feature necessary to adapt to new conditions (Ershadi & Winner, 2020). Family could play an important role in development of creativity at family level. Therefore, a suitable family environment could lead to creativity. Parents could also foster creativity by engaging in activities of children (Csikszentmihalyi,1989). Mothers spend much time with their children, giving them the opportunity to stimulate creativity, which might not be provided at schools. Discovering the experience of mothers in relation to the methods used for the growth and development of their children's creativity leads to the identification of applicable solutions for parents. Despite extensive efforts and research in the field of creativity, there is no qualitative research in the field of experiences of Iranian mothers in Iranian context. Therefore, this study was conducted with the aim of explaining the experience of mothers with creative children.   Method The present study has a qualitative, descriptive design. The statistical population of the research included all mothers with students in the fourth grade of primary school in Isfahan during the academic year of 2020-2021. The selection procedure lasted till the data were saturated. Semi-structured interviews were used with 10 people to obtain research data. The analysis of data was done through Colaizzi method.   Findings After analyzing the data, 3 main themes and 10 sub-themes were extracted using Colaizzi method. The first main theme was curiosity stimulation. This theme included encouraging questioning, encouraging experimentation and creating opportunities for thinking and reflection. The second theme was playing. This theme included mental, unstructured, creative, analytical and imaginative games. The third theme was artistic activities, which included crafts and painting.   Discussion and conclusion Based on the findings of this study, mothers provide necessary conditions for creating diverse activities and opportunities for children to ask questions and to explore the environment. Participating mothers in this study stated that they asked children what and why questions about stories. When their children were dealing with a problem, they did not settle for one method and tried different methods. Therefore, it can be acknowledged that appropriate answers to children's exploratory questions are the first step in strengthening the sense of curiosity. In the study done by Jirout & Klahr (2011) about the relationship between students' curiosity and asking questions, there was a positive relationship between curiosity and asking questions. In addition, mothers created situations for their children where they could test their problem-solving abilities. Mothers used to give verbal instruction to children to explain how to do something. In this context, Amabile (2004) believes that anything that encourages a person to think about problems increases creativity, while anything that diverts the person's attention from problems leads to a fall of creativity. Therefore, creative activities are related to exploration, curiosity, independence (in thinking and behavior), risk-taking, willingness to experiment and making mistakes. The second main theme was playing. The game provides the basis for creative activities because the game not only gives children the opportunity to discover new standards but also to stimulates the imagination leading to an increase in creativity. Other researchers have also proven this finding that playing strengthens the flexibility and problem-solving skills (Tekin & Gullu, 2011). The third theme extracted from participants' experience of cultivating creativity in this study was artistic activity. Learning through art gives students the opportunity to expand their imagination and creativity while gaining new information. Mothers mentioned painting and crafts, which have an effect on increasing children's experiences and encourage them to do innovative and creative works. Drawing is a sign of a child's understanding, skill and creative power. The findings of this part of the study are in line with the research of Jamali Firouzabadi et al (2010), which showed that teaching free painting leads to an increase in creativity. Moreover, the results of this study showed that handicrafts are another manifestation of artistic activities that can be effective in cultivating creative spirit. Handicrafts can create situations for the development of children's imagination and can provide opportunities to perform analytical and thoughtful activities on natural and man-made phenomena so that learners can observe and study the depth, perspective, shape and transformation of items. The current study was limited to mothers. Therefore, it is suggested to explain the experiences of fathers in future studies. Another limitation is generalizing the research findings to other age groups of students. It is suggested that younger ages be investigated in future studies. Each of the findings of the present study could help the development and flourishing of children's creativity, which can be used to improve future interventions.  
