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Internet-based social channels have turned into an important information repository for many people to get an idea about current trends and events happening around the world. As a result of Abundance of raw information on these social media platforms, it has become a crucial platform for businesses and individuals to make decisions based on social media analytics. The ever-expanding volume of online data available on the global network necessitates the use of specialized techniques and methods to effectively analyse and utilize this vast amount of information. This study's objective is to comprehend the textual information at the Lexical and Semantic level and to extract sentiments from this information in the most accurate way possible. To achieve this, the paper proposes to cluster semantically related words by evaluating their lexical similarity with respect to feature and sequence vectors. The proposed method utilizes Natural Language Processing, semantic and lexical clustering and hybrid C4.5 algorithm to extract six subcategories of emotions over three classes of sentiments based on word-based analysis of text. The proposed approach has yielded superior results with seven existing approaches in terms of parametric values, with an accuracy of 0.96, precision of 0.92, sensitivity of 0.94, and an f1-score of 0.92.
